Grow your career with this five advice

Take a few minutes to read my short lesson about how to keep growing drastically your career.

Jonathan Brizio
2 min readDec 8, 2018
  1. Create relationships
    You need to create a human connection between you and your teammates. The bedrock of strong teams is a human connection. It’s simple.
  2. Listen before
    Listening is the first and most basic skill when you are working with people.
  3. Be open minded
    As you grow in your career, you’ll experience a lot of teachable moments, a lot of lessons in how things should or should not be. These can be “best practices,” or scars caused by mistakes. Technology is always changing around us, so we must continually experience that change.
  4. Make connections
    For me, this is the key of all. Your career ultimately succeeds or fails on the strength of your network.
  5. Improve your communication
    Software development is a team sport in most companies, and teams have to communicate effectively to get anything done. Speak in team meetings, speak at meetups, and get practice standing up in front of an audience.

Some of these recommendations were taken from the book “The Manager’s Path” written by Camille Fournier. If you’re looking to grow of your career, I recommend totally to read this book. She explains how is the journey from engineer to technical manager step by step.

